Mayflower Compact
     First Colony in
America was founded
upon: Liberties of the
 Gospel found in the
    New Testament
The Protestants, who came to America believed that as Christians, Christ had set them free both religiously and politically from the hierarchies established by men. They believed that their new freedom was limited only by the liberty that came from God as presented in the Gospel found in the New Testament. Based upon that belief and respecting one another as being equal in authority, they entered into a political compact to promote their belief in America.
Figure #1

United Colonies
  New England
Confederation of 1643
"League of Friendship"
Figure #2
First Confederation to be founded upon the liberty found in the Gospel of the New Testament. Their confederation is defined as a conassociation, that is a Protestant association politically whose members have pledged to take up arms as one military force to protect any and all members of the confederation. You will notice that the main principle established in this confederation allows the colonies to remain sovereign politically while militarily they exist as one.

The Union as it existed on July 1, 1776
"Perpetual League of Friendship"
This is the confederation that has existed since 1643. It is also the confederation that declares its independence just 3 days later on July 4, 1776.
You will once again notice that the principle of political sovereignty still exists in the confederation although 9 new colonies have joined.
      The Union as it existed after
"The Declaration of Independence"
                  July 4, 1776
The colonies of the Confederation have
declared themselves as a Union of Free States. "The Declaration of Independence" does not void the founding principles of the confederation which are still Liberty, Sovereignty, and Unity.
"Perpetual League of Friendship"
 United Colonies
"Perpetual League of Friendship"
Figure #3


   The Illustrated Development of American Politics  from 1620-1787

                                     All copyrights resereved
                              Stephen L, Corrigan
See Mayflower Compact
See Confederation of 1643
Figure #4

Figure #5
Articles of Confederation
Figure #6
U.S. Constitution 1787